Literature Translation Project


Report for July, 2003






A New Way of Life

            Rita and I are beginning to adjust to the new life of deputation in our efforts to raise funds to purchase computers, train translators and publish literature in the language of the people of Romania, Thailand, Myanmar (Burma) and other countries where we have been asked to help. This life will be quite different from what we have grown accustomed to for the past twenty-three years as we served the Lord’s churches in the publications ministry in Texarkana! But God’s grace is sufficient to enable us to do this work also!


A New Missions Team and New Materials for Romanian Children

            For three weeks in July we worked with the Discovery Missions Team in Romania. There we visited seven churches and missions, fellowshipped with missionaries Jim Black, Doug Wiersema, Steve Rutherford and Jerry Chandler. The missions team members helped in VBS at three churches and missions and witnessed forty-one professions of faith.

            It was a tremendous blessing to watch the VBS teachers and workers as they presented the “S Files” VBS lessons translated into the language of the children. The children were obviously excited to have study materials in their own language. It was also exciting to see a young man who was saved in VBS one morning bring his mother to view the “Jesus film” that evening. She made a profession of faith following the film.

            Missionary Jerry Chandler and all the other missionaries are doing an outstanding work in reaching out to the people of that former Communist country. It is a blessing to have a part in providing materials which they can use to help the children and adults understand the Scriptures. With God’s help we plan to begin printing the material which has already been translated. The material will be printed in full color and will cost less that if it were printed in the United States.


A New Presentation of a Tremendous Need

            We have found during our travels to other countries the conspicuous absence of any literature to use in Sunday School or other Bible training classes for children. Our Lord’s instructions to let the children come surely included helping them understand the simple message of repentance and faith for salvation! Thank you pastors and churches for responding to the call to help in this great ministry! Here are some of those who have responded during the month of July.

            We commend the Donaldson Missionary Baptist Church and Pastor J. C. James for their generous offering. It was also a blessing to receive the VBS offerings from Bethlehem Baptist Church of Kirby, Arkansas and Glazier Peau Missionary Baptist Church of Hot Springs, Arkansas. How precious it is to see children of America helping the children of other countries learn to understand the Word of God! It was also a great blessing to be with Alvin Missionary Baptist Church and Pastor Darrell Streeter, Heritage Baptist Church of Missouri City, Texas, Pastor Charles Murphy and Angleton Missionary Baptist Church, Angleton, Texas, and Pastor Ben Pomales. Their generous offerings brought the total collected on the field during July to $2,754. This will help finance the printing of the first Sunday School book in Romania.


A New Opportunity for Your Church to Minister

            The month of August we will continue to visit among the churches in Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Alabama and Florida. If the Lord leads you to have a part in this ministry, please contact me at the telephone number or email address below, or contact the pastor of our endorsing church, Brother Joel Meredith and Calvary Baptist Church, Hamburg, Arkansas.


Would You Like to Go Along?

            The people of the Philippines will welcome you to come with us to visit them in the beautiful island of Luzon during the last week in January and first week in February, 2004. Rita and I will be working with the translators there to prepare materials for the printing press. If you would like to go, please get in touch with us before the end of October. It will give you an opportunity to see the Lord’s work among a people who are truly humble, gracious and very much aware of their spiritual need.


A New Thank You!

            On behalf of the children and adults who benefit from the publishing of the message of Christ in their own language, let me say “Thank you very much for caring!”  May the Lord bless every effort you make to advance the gospel message into all the world!


Bill & Rita Johnson

P. O. Box 2587

Texarkana, TX 75504


Home: 870 773 8969

Cell: 903 278 2648

