Report for January 2004

ROMANIA LITERATURE: The primary Sunday school books for use in spring quarter have gone to the press. They will be delivered in time for distribution to all the churches before the new quarter begins. God was gracious to provide adequate funds for this second quarterly to be printed; however, we are praying that we will be able to add a study for adults for use in the summer. We also hope to translate materials for Vacation Bible School. This means that the monthly printing need will increase by about $2,000 for the next several months. For more information, please call or go to icplit.org Web site.
 Rita and I hope to spend the month of May in Romania to develop a distribution plan so that all possible churches can be reached.

THAILAND LITERATURE:  Please go to our Web site, icplit.org, to find examples of the quarterlies and actual copies of five books printed for use in training young preachers and teachers.

PHILIPPINE LITERATURE: This project continues to produce quality translations of BTC and VBS  materials. There is a need to help with distribution. I have delayed a visit there in order to spend more time on deputation. With God’s help, I will go there in March to help develop a better means of getting the materials to the churches. It is important to publish the Word and to get it into the hands of the children.

VBS OFFERING: Last summer several churches designated their VBS offering to ICP for printing literature in other countries. For those interested in helping this year with your VBS offering, we are producing a special video to be used in VBS assembly or in the children’s classes. It will help your students understand the need to teach children in other countries about the love of Christ. If you would like to use this tape, please contact us.
DEPUTATION: Rita and I visited with twelve churches in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas and Florida during the month of January. In every case we were truly blessed by the warm welcome and the response of the people to the need for supplying Bible study materials for children.
 The Macedonian Missions Conference in Florida was a valuable learning experience. Thanks to Southside Baptist Church, Pastor Allen Hagood of Star City, Arkansas and Tuscanooga Baptist Church, Pastor James Madison of Groveland, Florida for making it possible to attend this conference.

The Lord’s work: There are so many potential places to work. There is no reason for anyone to ask, What can I do? Lift up your eyes! Begin with what you see and work for the Lord. Working together we can win more in 2004!

  Thank you for your prayers and offerings. We pray that God will grant you souls for your labor in His vineyard.
Bill and Rita Johnson
These children in Thailand listen closely as Brother Bill and translator Tucu tell about the sin of Adam and Eve and how Jesus’ blood paid for Adam’s sin and for everyone’s sin.

So many children in many countries are eager to learn about Jesus.