Report for March 2004
Sending Church: Calvary Baptist Church, Hamburg, Arkansas

PHILIPPINE TRIP IS FRUITFUL: The first two weeks of March were spent in the Philippines working with the translators. They have prepared two additional BTC books for printing. Solomon Travilla is a great help with this work. It was a special joy to visit with Missionary Glen Knight in Davao City.  We discussed ways of providing adequate Sunday school curriculum materials for all the churches in the Philippines. Work will soon begin on VBS materials for summer of 2005. Pupil books for 2,500 children for the 2004 VBS season have been printed in the Tagalog language.

ROMANIA LITERATURE: The summer quarter primary Sunday school quarterly is ready for printing, as well as the summer quarter high school pupil book. (These are translations of 1999 and 2001 issues of the books from the Baptist Sunday School Committee.) An additional four thousand dollars is needed for printing of three thousand of each of these books. Please pray about these needs and consider helping if you can. The 2002 VBS series from the BSSC will be ready for use in Romania this summer.

THAILAND LITERATURE:  The search for a doctinally sound translator continues. We still receive requests for help in the neighboring country of Myanmar (Burma). Brother Nicky Barnett is helping with the translation work in these two countries.

TOTAL BOOKS PRINTED TO DATE: Churches and individuals are responding to the need to provide tools for teaching children of other countries. A total of 17,500 books have been commercially printed in good quality in these countries: Romania, 6,000; Thailand, 5,000; Philippines, 6,500. Praise the Lord for His goodness!

CHURCHES JOIN IN REGULAR SUPPORT: Rita and I are so very thankful that the Lord has added several new churches and individuals to the list of those giving regular support to the ministry. We are encouraged that the Lord will supply the goal of $100,000 during the year 2004. After returning from the Philippines, I also feel led to ask for your prayers that the Lord will lay it upon the heart of 20 churches and/or individuals to donate $10,000 each to set up the printing ministry in the Philippines and Romania. This seems to be a big prayer request, but our God is able to supply Bible study materials for the children of the world.

VBS VIDEO IS BEING SHIPPED:  If your church will consider designating the VBS offering to help in translating children’s literature for children of the world, please call or send e-mail. We will be glad to send you the five minute video and a poster to use in your VBS.

DEPUTATION:  Thank you for allowing us to visit and present our burden for ministry to your people! Thank you for your prayers and offerings. We pray that God will grant you souls for your labor in His vineyard. Working together we can “win more in 2004!”

Bill and Rita Johnson
Brother Bill was asked to discuss the literature project with this group of very interested pastors and teachers gathered under a mango tree in the Pompanga Province in the Philippine island of Luzon.
	Pastors attending a Bible conference at Luzon Miss-ionary Bapt