Bill and Rita Johnson
P.O. Box 2587
Texarkana, TX 75504
Report for November 2004
 What a blessing it is to be working in the vineyard of our Lord! We have seen a high of forty-five in worship at the mission church in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Two precious young adults have made professions of faith. We have issued six certificates of completion to upper class members in the school in Chiang Mai.
 We have also had the opportunity to work with Philip who is translating Sunday school books into the Burmese language in Myanmar. Philip is a Burmese missionary working with Nicky and Beverly Barnett.
 It has been a pleasure to work in the field of the Barnetts in Thailand. Our daughter, Lynn, has come for a visit. We will return to Texarkana in early December.

Romanian Literature: We praise God for Carmella Thome, San Jose, CA; Betty Thompson, Sadler, TX; Calvary Baptist Church, Duncan, OK and First Baptist Church of Inwood, WV for their offerings for the Romanian press fund! Raising funds for the printing press will be a top priority while we are visiting churches during January through March. If you would like learn more about this great project, please give us a call or go to the web site: www.icplit.org, then click on the Romanian Press page.

THAILAND LITERATURE: Translation of the Bible in Eight Ages by Dr. L. D. Foreman into the Karen and Thai languages is progressing. Leaflets for children are being translated and used weekly in Thai. Two children’s Sunday school books have been translated in the Chin language in Myanmar. There are funds for an additional computer to be used by Philip in translating materials for the missions of Nicky Barnett in Myanmar.

PHILIPPINE LITERATURE: Rita and I took a week off from the work in Thailand to visit with the translators in the Philippines. While there we learned of the need for a printer capable of printing the student’s leaflets in full size. One was located and arrangements have been made to purchase it for $1,500. If you would like to help cover the cost, please send offerings to the address below. The pupil books of the 2004 VBS will be translated into the Tagalog language and ready for use when VBS season begins in April 2005. Any church or mission wishing to use these materials may e-mail the Philippine Office or billjohnson@icplit.org.

Thank You Lord: Rita and I appreciate every offering you have sent to help provide materials for children of the world. We hope you will have a very blessed time as you celebrate the birth of our Blessed Redeemer!

Bill & Rita Johnson
Only one chair was empty when the worship began, but even more came in. By the time the children were dismissed for their Bible class there was standing room only. There were two professions of faith after the worship. The church in Chiang Mai is looking forward to the return of Missionaries Nicky and Beverly Barnett in January!
Filipino children gather with a Sunday School teacher after singing for the people of the Bible conference at the Luzon Missionary Baptist Institute.
These children enjoy lessons in their own Filipino language, provided by the churches of the ABA through International Christian Publishers.
Please send offerings to: Calvary Baptist Church, ICP Fund, P. O. Box 557 Hamburg, AR 71646
Cell 903 278 2648                                                     Home 870 773 8969                           Office 870 774 1737                             Send E-Mail to Bill Johnson