Need Is Great / Problem With Local Print Shop / Great Opportunity /
Press For Romania
Need Is Great
While Rita and I have been working in Thailand to get scriptural literature translated into the native languages there, we realized that the work in Romania is very much in need of a printing press! We have already translated and printed twelve thousand Sunday School books for the children and adults in Romania. We have provided VBS literature for the past two years. We now have several additional Sunday School, BTC, VBS and Discovery Bible Clubs books translated and ready to go to press.
Problem With Local Print Shops
But there is a problem. The commercial print shop in Romania has not honored its promise to print the books at a reasonable price. We do not feel it is wise to continue to pay such high prices when we are sure we could do the job for much less.
Today an estimated thirty churches and missions are under the care of about ten ABA missionaries in Romania. We face the challenge of setting up a printing press in Romania to print curriculum materials, tracts and books for the rapidly growing work of the churches and missions there. In addition, many other churches are asking for the materials.
The translation team can be trained to print the literature and materials used to teach the Romanian children. The church in Brasov has a large garage with a concrete floor which can be used for a print shop.
Rita and I have set a goal to see this printing press set up in Romania by the end of summer 2005. Teaching the Romanians to print their own literature instead of sending it to a commerical print shop will save hundreds of dollars on each book printed. It would cost thousands more to print the books in the USA and ship to Romania.
The printing press and related equipment will cost approximately $75,000.00 to purchase and set up. Your church can help reach and teach thousands of children in Romania.
This printing press can be used to print literature for countries such as Albania, Kosova and Ukraine! We can get literature to these children in their own language, but we need your help!
We also have been offered an opportunity to print inexpensive Bibles in the Romanian language! Imagine the possibilities we would have to distribute a Bible to every child and adult within the reach of the missionaries there!
The church also has unemployed members who can be trained to operate the press.
Please send designated offerings to Calvary Baptist Church, ICP Fund, P. O. Box 557, Hamburg, Arkansas, 71646; or make a contribution online at
Thank you for considering this most needed project! As of May 10, 2005, we have received over $15,000.00 to be applied to the press fund.
We are so thankful for the leadership of the Heritage Baptist Chruch, Texarkana and Pastor Timothy Montegomery for their leadership in making a five thousand dollar contribution to the fund! Pastor Montgomery is shown in the picture presenting the check to Bill Johnson.
As of May 10, 2005 we have received $900 in contributions for the Tabernacle DVD set by Dr. Bobby Sparks. Thre are several still available. Each person who makes $100 contribution and asks for it will receive one. For more information click here.
Will you help us help the children understand the Scriptures? Contact us by email or call 903 278 2648.
-Bill & Rita Johnson