"Let the children come."

"Let the children come"
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President Bill Johnson and his wife Rita

Bill and Rita both taught in public schools before becoming involved in curricula development for churches. He served the American Baptist Association for over twenty-five years, including seventeen years as Editor in Chief of Publications.

He created, developed and managed production of Bible based curricula for over five thousand churches. He founded ICP in 1999 to provide children's literature in the languages of the world. Bill pastored churches in Arkansas and Texas.

Bill has a BA degree from the University of Arkansas, BBL from Missionary Baptist Seminary, a Master of Divinity, and Doctor of Ministry from Texas Baptist Instute and Seminary, and Doctor of Divinity from Oklahoma Baptist College. 

Rita has BSE from University of Arkansas, and many years experience as a children’s literature writer and editor.

Bill and Rita have been married over sixty years. Their daughter, Lynn, serves on the Board of trustees of ICP. 

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Vice-President John Sanders and his wife Sharon

John has associate degrees in Church Music and Missions, MA from the Missionary Baptist Seminary and Institute, BA from the University of Arkansas, and Advanced Bible from Faith Bible Institute.

Sharon has two Bible degrees and a nursing degree (RN). John has pastored churches in Arkansas, Texas and Colorado. John and Sharon served as missionaries in Romania ten years and Colorado six years. They came to ICP in April 2015. John served five years as Assistant to the Editor for the American Baptist Association and currently serves on the board of Missionary Training Ministries. John and Sharon have been married forty-three years and have been blessed with four children and six grandchildren. John is Supervising Editor of the children’s Character Code for Life curriculum.






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Grapchis Design Director Malinda Harrison


    Malinda Harrison, a skilled design/layout artist, joined our Texarkana staff in 2020. She has been involved in publications of Christian literature for many years. Malinda worked part-time with ICP for several years before becoming full-time. She prepares  the   Vacation Bible School curriculum, Character Code for Life, God's Character and me and other materials for translation by ICP translators in Romania, Myanmar, The Philippines and in Latin America.

  Malinda gave, as her reason for coming to ICP, “I just want to help in a ministry to spread God’s Word.” The ministry God has given us is that of reaching the children of the world with the message of Christ!