Need Is Great / Problem With Local Print Shop / Great Opportunity /
Press For the Childrenof the Philippines

Need Is Great
For several years we have been printing literature in the Philippines. In the ICP office in San Fernando, Pompanga, Luzon, thranslatore have prepared press-ready VBS and Sunday school materials. They have taken these books to public printing press in Manila for printing. We have printed and distributed thousands of books and tracts. Over one hundred thousand children and adults have been reach with the message of salvation in Christ. Many public schools use the materials for instruction in values education. This gives opportunity to teach the gospel to those who would not otherwise be reached.
ICP literature has been acclaimed as the very best quality, biblically sound literature available in the Philippines. We have been unable to supply the demand by churches and schools.
Problem With Local Print Shops
While the loacl printshops are doing a high quality job for a reasonable price we have learned from the ICP print shop in Romania that having our own equipment has many advantages.
There are some print jobs which require a smaller number than can be justified by the higher set-up costs of commerical shops. we only need one teacher's manual for about every twenty pupil's quarerlies. We can have much greater control of the time for printing with our own equipment.
We also have been offered an opportunity to print inexpensive Bibles in the Romanian language! Imagine the possibilities we would have to distribute a Bible to every child and adult within the reach of the missionaries there!
The church also has unemployed members who can be trained to operate the press.
Please send designated offerings to Calvary Baptist Church, ICP Fund, P. O. Box 557, Hamburg, Arkansas, 71646; or make a contribution online at
Thank you for considering this most needed project! As of May 10, 2005, we have received over $15,000.00 to be applied to the press fund.
We are so thankful for the leadership of the Heritage Baptist Chruch, Texarkana and Pastor Timothy Montegomery for their leadership in making a five thousand dollar contribution to the fund! Pastor Montgomery is shown in the picture presenting the check to Bill Johnson.
As of May 10, 2005 we have received $900 in contributions for the Tabernacle DVD set by Dr. Bobby Sparks. Thre are several still available. Each person who makes $100 contribution and asks for it will receive one. For more information click here.
Will you help us help the children understand the Scriptures? Contact us by email or call 903 278 2648.
-Bill & Rita Johnson